146.67 Technical Specifications
The repeater is maintained by a few technically proficient and experienced hams. If you have such experience and would like to be part of our Technical Committee, please let us know.
The original repeater was manufactured by Maggiore, with a Vocomm amplifier running approximately 50 watts output. Now the main and backup repeaters are Motorola Quantars, running 80 and 25 watts output respectively, and are located in an air-conditioned Palm Beach County radio shelter emergency with UPS and generator backup power. The controller is a CAT 300DXL. The repeaters have P-25 capability, but it may not always be turned on.
The repeater receives and transmits a PL tone of 110.9 for the purpose of reducing interference from other 146.67 systems in Florida
The antenna is a DB-224E by Andrew Corp., a 23 ft tall vertical mast with four stacked full-wave folded dipole elements, providing high gain and broad bandwidth. The antenna is located on the SW side of the tower with all four elements pointing West. The base of the antenna is about 350 feet above ground.
This configuration gives us approximately 9 Dbd gain to the West and about 7.5 Dbd gain to the North and South, providing excellent coverage over Palm Beach County (these figures are from the data for this antenna published by Andrew Corp). Photographs of the antenna can be seen on this web site.